Celebrating Julio's birthday
Hi there
Just a quickie to recap on the week so far and what’s up for the weekend as a lot seems to be happening lately. Well it is nearly July and the Summer has started. And so have the family visits too.
First the good news: Susi has passed 2 of the 3 exams she has taken so far and they are Biochemistry and Microbiology (parasites you know?), She is working flat out this month until the 4th July apart from the odd social break once in a while. Congratulations Susi and keep up the good work as my Father used to say when I was a student!
This week, Fátima, Julio and I finally celebrated Julio’s birthday of last month together at our favourite restaurant, El Buey. He got the proverbial Lacoste polo shirt, this time in yellow. We don’t beat about the bush with what presents to buy each other but tell each other what we need or want! Together over lunch we planned quite a few Summer activities together as well as a possible trip to New York in December!! Hope that works out.
Tuesday night I was at a big party I had organised for the press at Fortuny, a lovely little mansion in down town Madrid with its own gardens. It was the perfect place to celebrate Midsummer in Madrid. It was a great evening but had me pull the sheets to well after 2 in the morning which, of course, I ended up “paying for” the next day.
Yesterday Eladio and I went to pick up the newly weds, Roberto and Ana on their return from their honeymoon in Greece. They had had a splendid time except for the soaring temperatures of up to 50ºc – a bit much for a couple from coolish León in the north of Spain. Theirs was a flying visit as they were here for a late last minute rustled up Spanish tortilla for dinner and were off early this morning.
This Friday is Oli’s graduation ceremony at the UEM. As she is doing a triple degree she really “graduates” next year but she wanted to do the ceremony this year with her classmates. Fair enough. The occasion will probably be quite pompous for a Spanish university as only the private ones do it the “American way”. More news about that on Sunday.
And on Saturday, we are having another family visit. Pili, Eladio’s youngest sister, her husband Andrés and their kids, Paula and Mario will be bringing Eladio’s Mother to stay with us for a couple of weeks. That should make a pretty full house, so rest assured there will be barbecues and candle lit dinners together as well as shopping escapades, sun bathing and the lovely feeling of the family being together.
That’s all for now folks.
All the best