This week Spring came and brought with it the cold weather with lots of snow in the north of Spain. One day of this week when I was having lunch with my dear friend Susana Blázquez at the Annapurna Indian restaurant, we could see the snow drops falling outside the window to a backdrop of sunshine. That was something to look at.
Friday night was a stay in night where we, Eladio and I, hired a film and had a take away for dinner. We watched United 93 – about the plane during the 11th September that was high jacked and then taken over by the passengers to stop it crashing into the Pentagon. It was quite claustrophobic and of course, very realistic. I actually don’t really recommend it but Eladio was impressed.
On Saturday while I had the episode with the red high heeled patent shoes Eladio went to look at barbecues for installing in the garden. This house has everything but funnily enough it lacks a barbecue. Of course, Eladio ended up ordering one of the very best they had at Leroy Merlin. It’s so big it probably does chops for 20 so it will be great for parties this Summer. Hopefully it will be installed here in about a week or 10 days.
In the afternoon we went to a small party at the Hesperia Hotel in Madrid held by my dear Mexican friend Fernanda Navarret to present her first born son, Jerónimo to her friends in Madrid. Fernanda went back to live in Mexico last Spring and to have her baby there. I had only seen photos and didn’t really think I would be seeing her again so soon. She had come to Spain to accompany her parents on holiday here which was also an excuse to show her new baby to all the friends she had left behind in Madrid.
Fernanda looked radiant and Jerónimo, so beautiful he could have been a girl. It was lovely to meet her Father, Don Carlos who was actually born in Madrid in C/Arenales in 1932. He gave us a short version of his life story and how he had married Fernanda’s Mother, the daughter of the then Minister of Health in Mexico. Quite a lovely encounter. However just an hour and a half with Fernanda shared with over 20 people was certainly not enough time together so we will be meeting up for a long girlie lunch this week before she goes back where we shall be able to catch up on what we have both been up to since we last saw each other a year ago.
Me, Fernanda with Jerónimo and Eladio
Jerónimo in his father's arms, Paco.
Jerónimo in his grandmother's arms, Fernanda's Mother.
In the evening we met up with Roberto and Mari Carmen for dinner at our usual place, La Alpargatería, and our usual table, number 5. Dinner with them is always a relaxing affair. Next week we will be going together to the country spa called La Senda de los Caracoles. There will be a full report in next week’s post about that.
Suzy was away this weekend because she went to Jérez (of sherry fame) with her boyfriend Gaby who is from there. It was the motorbike championships which he adores but they had also gone to get a puppy from an aunt of his for his new house in Madrid. There had been talk of this puppy for a while before they went and apparently the puppy was a boxer. As the weekend progressed so did news of 2 puppies they were bringing back. It seemed Suzy could not resist a little white one with a black patch on her eye. Eladio and I didn’t really want the responsibility of having a dog again but know we wont’ be able to resist a month old puppy. Suzy and Oli swear they will be take complete care of it but that, of course, remains to be seen. So lunch today was all about what name it would get. My favourites are Patch, Rosie, Poppy or Polly.
Just as I had finished writing this post, in walked Susi and Gaby with the new acquisitions - see the picture below. Of course, they are so sweet that any opposition from Eladio and I was swiftly dispelled. However it was made very clear that the girls would take complete care of it/them - it seems Gaby's puppy Kiyo will be staying for a little while until they move into their new house. This, of course, includes cleaning up all their "doings".
Kiyo and Polly/Patch/Donna (not yet decided) sleeping in their box in the kitchen. Polly/Patch/Donna has the big patch on her eye and is lying horizontally.
It was funny to see stylish Henry's reaction (our cat). He's such a coward and is absolutely frightened of them that now he prefers to stay outside for the moment at least!
And last night the clocks went forward so we lost an hour of sleep but the good thing is that there will be more daylight now. As I am writing now, it is 20.30 and still light, so great, Spring is really coming now.
Cheers for the moment.