Home again; Madrid, Sunday 23rd February, 2025
In Topsham near Exeter on a very cold day with Amanda and her daughter Cord (Cordelia) |
Good morning all. How time flies. I was in Devon from 12th to 20th Feb and now I am home again. When you are having fun and taking a break from routine life, time does fly by. Oh my, though, I have had a great time as you will read later.
I imagine that in the late 1930's people like us today were living normal lives which were interrupted when Hitler came on the world stage. Today we have Putin and Trump disrupting the world order and it doesn't bode well. There is an awful storm brewing over Ukraine which Russia invaded three years ago this month. Trump, who imagines himself as a great statesman, tried to negotiate a peace treaty with Russia (in Saudi Arabia) but without anyone present from Kyiv. Thus Macron, a better statesman but with less power, hurriedly hosted a European summit to come up with a response on how to end the conflict. Meanwhile, Kier Starmer the UK Labour PM, has proposed sending troops to Ukraine to maintain peace if and when the war ends. He hopes to be a mediator between Europe and the US but I honestly think Trump has no time for him. It could well be that the special relationship is rather fragile now. Europe has to put on a truly united front to stop Putin and Trump carving up Ukraine and I honestly don't believe that the former would ever toe the line after any treaty or accord. You just can't trust him nor Trump. As I watch and read, I can't stop thinking just how similar a situation we have now as when Hitler came to power.
As everyone does, in circumstances like this, you just carry on. These awful men were not going to spoil my wonderful stay in Devon with my oldest and dearest friends, Andy and Amanda, from my school days in Bradford as a child and teenager. I just love their house overlooking the sea in a beautiful secluded area. Let me share some pictures of their dream home and the view.
My friends' dream home in Devon |
Thank goodness it is warm and cozy inside as it was cold and windy throughout my stay and it rained on and off. I now fully realise that, however much I love my birth country, I just couldn't live there because of the weather. I came home to at least 10 more degrees in Spain and it feels like spring is in the air in Madrid. It did not feel like that last Sunday when Amanda and I drove to nearby Shaldon for a coffee at the Strand cafe. We had to weather the blustery and freezing cold wind to walk from the car park to the cafe. Ah, but once inside it was wonderful and I couldn't resist a Devonshire scone. I have to say I had it with butter and not with clotted cream and jam hahaha. Here I am enjoying the moment.
Coffee with a scone at The Strand in Shaldon last Sunday |
Once home and out of the cold and wind, Amanda heated up some delicious homemade Minestrone soup. Here she is in the kitchen getting our lunch ready. Her kitchen is gigantic (around 33m2) with picture windows overlooking the sea. This is just a part of it. Isn't it great?
Andy and Amanda have the biggest kitchen I have ever seen |
We were out again in the afternoon. My friends drove us to Darts Farm again where they wanted to buy a sophisticated bird house or whatever it is called. They are very akin to nature, are bird lovers and belong to the RSPB and collaborate with the organisation. It's a great place with all sorts of enticing shops and in the outdoor wear store Amanda bought a warm fleece. She looks lovely.
Amanda trying on a fleece at Darts' farm last Sunday |
They then took me to a local place of interest, Powderham castle and farm but we didn't see the former as everything was closing. I managed to buy some Cadbury creme eggs for Suzy and a lovely bottle of local cider.
Once home, my friend and I played Ludo while Andy made our supper - a delicious fish dish. We saw some of the Bafta awards and I was pleased to see The Conclave was the winning British film. I have read the book but don't remember it - so I read it again this and look forward to seeing the film once it's available to stream. I always find papal stories very interesting. It's rather a coincidence that Pope Francis, aged 88, is now very ill in hospital with double pneumonia. I really hope that doesn't mean there will be another Conclave soon.
Later we played Sevens until we went to bed and I don't know why but I won nearly every time. We went to bed after the awful news of the Ukraine situation. For me the Atlantic Alliance is in great danger as is Europe.
Monday came and to my delight we went to M&S again. Amanda wanted to return something and we had to buy food. Before entering the enticing Food Hall, I got some knickers for Oli and slippers for Eladio. Once in the food part of the store, I bought all sorts of cold foods I love including crab meat, sliced roast beef, coleslaw, scotch egg and some salmon spread. If I lived in England I would do all my food shopping at good old M&S. Before we left, Amanda took a photo of me coming out and feeling in my element.
In my element at Marks and Spencer a shop I miss so much in Spain |
On our way home we stopped for coffee at The Ness in Shaldon but this time there was no open fire and it wasn't so cozy. However, the coffee was excellent. My poor friend had a dreadful headache so after a quick sandwich she had to go to bed. Meanwhile I had a siesta. Later she felt better and we resumed playing Ludo with a stop for some wine (me) and cashew nuts. What a lovely time I was having. Later that night, Amanda's daughter Cordelia (Cord) arrived from London. I hadn't seen her since 2009 when they came out to Salamanca on a Spanish language course. It was lovely to see her again but poor lamb, like her mother, she too had a dreadful headache.
I slept so so that night and was up before everybody on
Tuesday morning at 7 am. Andy and Amanda had booked a table for lunch at a restaurant in a place called Topsham on the Exe estuary. I loved
The Galley which is on the main street, as soon as I saw it.
The Galley in upmarket Topsham, Devon |
Topsham I was told is upmarket, quaint and very popular which made it difficult to park but Andy managed while we had a drink. Oli had asked for a photo of Amanda and her daughter so that was the moment to take one and here it is.
Cord and Amanda at The Galley in Topsham
The menu looked enticing but my first and only choice was inevitable. I just had to have fish and chips didn't I? This was what I polished off with the help of Andy hahaha-
Amazing fish and chips at The Galley in Topsham |
I sort of staggered out afterwards but didn't regret the decision; after all I hadn't had this most English of dishes since November 2023 at Betty's in Harrogate which were very good too.
There was lots to see in Topsham. Amanda, Cord and I loved all the enticing little shops on The High Street. Andy preferred being at the main quay observing birds - his big passion, on the estuary. We joined him at one point, in between shops, and he took some photos of the three of us. I used one as this week's feature photo and here is another.
By the Quay on the River Exe in Topsham with Cord and Amanda |
Shops shut at around 4pm which I find so very early, used to Spanish opening and closing times. Thus we headed home soon and were able to relax and wind down after a lovely meal and outing. Amanda and I played Ludo (yes, again) which we find very addictive. Then Andy and Cord joined us for Sevens. They got hungry around Spanish dinner time (hahaha) and even though I wasn't very hungry I couldn't resist some delicious crab meat I had bought at M&S.
We went to bed pretty early and I woke up on my last day,
Wednesday, to fog and rain. I didn't sleep well which I usually don't but that night I had an added worry. Our cleaner in El Cuetu had written to me on Tuesday while leaving Topsham, to tell me she can no longer clean for us. Of course it is impossible to rent the house which is 5 hours away from Madrid without a cleaner and they are few and far between. So I have a new job now to find a cleaner which won't be easy. Both Eladio and I agree that if we don't find one, we will just have to sell up which will be a pity.
Wednesday brought more news of the rift between Zelensky and Trump. The latter had called the Ukrainian PM a dictator. Honestly! Zelensky replied that the dictator is Trump and that he lives in a disinformation space. It seems Trump is repeating Russian propaganda. Now he wants a deal with Ukraine in which Zelensky would have to hand over 500 billion dollars worth of rare minerals as a sort of payback for previous military assistance. It is outrageous.
We spoke about this over coffee again at The Strand, this time with Cord. There was time for more Ludo before a delicious meal served by Andy, again. And again we went to M&S where I think we went at least 5 or 6 times during my stay hahahaha. There we got stuff for dinner and I got a few delicacies to take home the next day. While paying at the self paying area, I just had to have a photo of our photo - me and Amanda, as it reminded me so much of the times we took photos in photo booths when we were young. Of course, this time we were on CCTV hahahaha. We could never have imagined how technology would evolve.
Having a bit of fun at M&S with Amanda |
We later went to Sainsburys which is when Cord realised that her payment at Marks hadn't got through. She promptly went back and the staff there were amazed. They had written her off as a "walk away" and told her it was the first time anyone had come back in to pay. They rewarded her with a large box of Belgian chocolates. The UK is now being called the country of shoplifters so I imagine Cord's behaviour was very unusual but absolutely right as M&S told her. Good for you Cord.
There was time for more Ludo with Amanda before a delicious dinner mostly made from bits and bobs bought at M&S. I had also bought a mini trifle for my pudding, the others preferring a treacle pudding. Oh how I love trifle. We played Sevens for the last time that night, the first time I didn't win. I don't care who wins, I just love playing with my friends. It's such a pity that no one will play cards or Ludo with me at home.
I woke up after a very short night's sleep on Thursday, the day of my departure. I took it slowly and packed feeling both eager to go home but sad I was leaving my friends. That day Hamas returned 4 dead Israelis including the mother and two children of the Bibas family except that the body of the mother wasn't her. Later they returned it and we heard of the savage and brutal way her children had been killed. Yesterday, in the 7th and last exchange in phase 1 of the ceasefire, 6 Israeli hostages were released while 600 Palestinian prisoners were to be returned. However, Israel, so furious at the way the hostages have been paraded in Gaza, have not yet released them.
Meanwhile, quietly in rainy Devon, we prepared to leave. Andy and Amanda drove me to Bristol which is 1.5h away and I was extremely grateful. They left me at the airport just before 2 pm and my flight was at about 4.30. It's a quiet and small airport but very efficient. I didn't have to take any liquids out of my bags or PC, kindle etc which was a first for me. I then had a boring time waiting for my flight at a cafe eating a lovely egg and cress M&S sandwich and drinking a cup of tea. Once on the plane and just before departure I read that Luis Rubiales, Spain's former football boss, had been convicted of sexual assault to Jenni Hermoso for kissing her on the lips after Spain won the women's world cup against England in 2023. I would have liked to see him sent to jail. Rather he got off lightly with a 10.000 euro fine and 3000 in damages to Jenni. He was not charged though with coercion as the judge said there was no proof. I thought there was plenty of proof. I have been following this case keenly for the repercussions it has had on society in Spain; previously such a macho society and still so in many was. Men like Rubiales are still very common in this country and we have to stand up to them. Who knows a lot about it is Olivia my daughter as she covered the trial. There she met a team who films for Discovery Channel, HBO Max, etc. They had asked her to appear in a documentary they are doing on the case which is quite an honour. Suzy and I would go with her the next day for filming the interview.
If I left Bristol in the cold, I arrived to find Madrid 10 or so degrees warmer. In my absence the weather had been spring like. It felt so wonderful to walk outside and not shiver. Eladio came to pick me up. He had gone to the wrong place to find me but eventually we met. It was so good to see my dear husband again, bless him. We were soon home and it was good to see Suzy and Pippa too who had kept him company in my absence. I gave them all their pressies and after unpacking, fell into bed, not that I slept very well as usual.
Friday dawned and I was up at around 7. Oli had left the kids with Miguel and come to our house to prepare for the interview - they had sent her over 40 questions! It was good to see her and I gave her all the bras and knickers from M&S and some lovely clothes for the kids from Sainsbury's. We would meet again after lunch to go to the interview.
Friday was the day I was to start on Mounjaro - the new wonder drug for diabetics which also suppresses the appetite and is prescribed to overweight people (like me hahaha) or people with high cholesterol and blood pressure which is also my case; although the condition is mild. It works by slowing down the digestive process so you feel full for longer. The drug comes in a pen containing 4 doses, 1 to be taken every week on the same day and time. It looked damned complicated and didn't come with needles which I would have to buy.
Mounjaro - the pen |
Thankfully Suzy helped me when I took it later that night. First though I had to weigh myself, something I haven't done since February 2024. I was dreading the moment of truth but actually since then I had only put on 2.5 kilos. I feel like a bit of a guinea pig, yet many, many people are taking it all over the world, like me, even though they are not all obese either. The more famous drug is Ozempic but my pharmacist friend, Mari Carmen, told me it has more side effects and is not as effective for weight loss although they are the same family. A lot of people on Mounjaro or similar say "I'm on the pen" as a sort of secret way of telling friends what they are doing. I have nothing to hide. I just hope it works.
Being on Mounjaro you must do your bit too, by cutting down on unhealthy food (no more sticky toffee pudding, haha) and exercise. So that morning I started my new regime and went for a walk with Eladio and intend to do so every day. However, because of my knee I can't walk for more than half an hour but walk I will.
Later we went for a coffee in the sun at Manacor and Suzy joined us. I also nipped to the chemist to get needles which are only sold in packs of 100 as they are probably for diabetics. Then I popped into the bank to pay 4 new fines for driving our Volvo diesel car in areas we didn't know were low emission zones. It's a bit unfair there is no signage or warning when coming near these new areas but a great way for the local councils to make money at 100 euros per fine damn them. Before heading home we did some emergency shopping at Carrefour; mostly for fruit of which there was hardly any left. Tana prepared our lunch and at 2.05 Oli picked us up in a taxi to go to Madrid for the interview. She was very happy as it was touch and go from her employer, RTVE, whether they would let her do it. Here she is hugging Suzy who was looking amazing that day.
My girls ready to go to the interview |
I was pleased to see Oli wearing my old size M blue trouser suit from Zara which obviously no longer fits me. She loves raiding my wardrobe, hahaha.
Soon we were at the venue called Espacio Jorge Juan and were greeting the team from England whose names I can't remember. The shooting Director was English and the interviewer was from Guatemala and told us her father was Palestinian! Oli had taken us along as reinforcements but actually we both enjoyed watching and helping sometimes too. Here is a short video that Suzy took. Notice how Oli gesticulates so much with her hands. It must be the Spaniard in her, I suppose.
And here are some stills to remember the day.
Oli being interviewed for the documentary |
We didn't finish until past 6.30 and thankfully it didn't go on longer as the crew were taking the train to Granada where they would be interviewing Rubiales himself.
If I came out feeling tired, Oli must have been exhausted. She is used to doing live reports, not taped interviews so I think she had to adapt; plus she is used to speaking Spanish on TV, not English and this case involved a lot of legalese which is never easy in a second language. But she did a great job and I can't wait to see the documentary. Watch this space.
We were home on time for Suzy to give me the injection before dinner. It didn't hurt at all. Again I didn't sleep well that night and felt lousy after 4 nights in a row with less than 6 hours sleep. But I had to get up to face the day. I had a headache but wasn't sure if was because of the Mounjaro. So far I haven't felt any lack of appetite but it is probably early days. I met 1 of our 3 guests who arrived on Friday in my absence in the kitchen at breakfast but never saw the other two.
Soon it was time for our walk where I joined Eladio for just half of it. I came home to rest before Oli and the kids came for lunch . It was great to see them but tiring as I myself felt so exhausted. I hope I feel better next time. While I was in England they had done some beautiful drawings for me with Suzy's help which I just have to share. I particularly liked Elliot's (right) for including Pippa in it hahaha.
Drawings done by Juliet and Elliot for me |
Yesterday afternoon I was so tired I had to go to bed after lunch but unfairly I was not able to sleep. My headache just wouldn't go away but thankfully this morning it has nearly disappeared.
There is not much else to tell you about this week, so let me sign off now and wish you all a great day. It's sunny here so we shall enjoy today's walk on what I hope will be a quiet Sunday.
Cheers till next week, all the best,