Sunday, October 06, 2024

Suzy is home and she is back, the family reunited again, time with Elliot and Juliet, 25 years since my mother died, Airbnb super host again and other stories of the week.

 Madrid, Sunday, 6th October, 2024.

Suzy and Olivia melt into each other's arms when they were reunited on Tuesday. That's the photo of the year and it made me so happy.

Good morning all. In contrast to most of the last year or more, I have had a very good week and it's all because Suzy came to stay and of her own volition. That is progress and I'm still pinching myself as if I can't believe she is better and she is here with us. As Oli said when I posted photos of her, "Suzy is back". That is huge progress.

Last Sunday we were still waiting for her after she missed the bus on Saturday. That day  was quiet but busy. A Canadian couple, Karla and Jim, came to stay and would be here till Thursday. We were there to welcome them and answer all their questions. I took Jim to do some food shopping and it was funny to see him adapting to a Spanish supermarket compared I imagine to one in Ottawa. I later helped them hire a car. I was only free in the afternoon when we had a social engagement. We were going to Elliot's umpteenth birthday party; the one with his school friends we hadn't let him have at home because of the chaos of 20 or 30 kids and a similar number of parents. Instead they held it at the social club where they live. We arrived after it had started and the noise was the first thing that hit me. Elliot and Juliet were in their element with all the things going on. We stepped outside to talk to some of Oli's  friends and after a couple of hours, made a quiet exit.

Monday came, the day Suzy was coming. In the morning I had a coffee date with my friend and neighbour, Elena, who seems to spend most of her life on a cruise ship going round the world with her husband. That's why we hadn't seen each other for more than a year. It was good to catch up. I walked to the cafe with Pippa and walked back with her. Meanwhile, Eladio had gone to see his eye specialist and came home with dates for his cataract operations; 14th and 21st October. 

Just as we were watching the news after lunch - the dire situation in the Middle East - we heard from Suzy that she was safely on the bus. Only then was I able to relax and I laid down to watch The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (the 1969 film adaptation of Muriel Spark's book). It stars a young Maggie Smith who puts on a very good  upper class Edinburgh accent. I mentioned the film last week and a friend, 
Veronica, sent me the link on You Tube where you can watch it for free. This is the link if you are interested. 

Suzy's arrival was approaching so I started on our dinner which would include smoked salmon that she adores. By 8.30 pm she was with us and looking good. She melted into my arms. Oh how happy I was to see her. It was her first time back in about a year. I asked her at dinner why she had come and it was because she was home sick. She told us she will be spending a month here. Poor lamb she will be moved from room to room because of all the room bookings but she didn't seem to mind. She tells us she is taking her meds but got her psychiatrist to remove one of them. Her stay here means she will miss her appointments but I suppose being home, if that is what she wants, will be therapy in itself. Later she joined Mohammad and I for a fag on the terrace. She didn't seem to mind all my guests; the Canadians, Jen from the Philippines, Bea from Mexico and others. Before she used to hide from them all. Now it seems Suzy is back to her old self, although still very fragile. I am taking day by day and whatever happens will happen. For the moment all is well and I can hardly believe it.

I should have been able to sleep that night but I couldn't. I think I was too nervous. But I got through the night somehow and was greeted by Suzy early in the morning on Tuesday.  I was having my first coffee and she was about to go for a walk or a jog. We would meet later for lunch

That morning Eladio and I went to LM to see the people about  the  garden cabin we want to build in the garden. We wanted to go over the proposal and estimate which I was not too pleased with. I told the guy it did not seduce me, for want of a better word. We came away leaving him with work to do. We are also in touch with other companies so this project could take some time. We talked about it over coffee at Starbucks which is outrageously expensive, don't you think? Oh, but it's so good.

We were home for lunch and Oli was coming too so it would be just the four of us which is quite an event as it doesn't happen often. Oli was home shortly after 2pm and looking stunning with her makeup, outfit and hat. The girls melted into each other's arms and that is the photo I have chosen for this week's feature photo. For me it's the photo of the year as it says so much; that the girls are sisters who, despite all, love each other and that Suzy is better and on the road to recovery. How long that journey will take we don't know but we shall be there for her every step of the way. 

My beautiful girls together. 
Lunch was peaceful and enjoyable. How lovely to have both girls with us and in harmony. Later we all went to have a rest until Oli had to pick up the kids and bring them here while she went off to her French lessons. 

Juliet and Elliot were happy to see their Aunt who they either call "Susi" or "Aunty Bonny" (long story about the origin of Suzy being called Bonny). Here are some pics of our time with them; feeding them, pushing them on the swings and even bathing them.

Time with Elliot and Juliet on Tuesday afternoon and with Suzy who helped us. 
When Olil came to pick them up at around 8.15, she was very happy we had bathed them as that would be one chore less for her that night before putting them to bed. A good time had been had by all. 

Only then could we have our own dinner; not quite as elaborate as the first night Suzy came, but very pleasurable too. That night we learned that Iran had bombed Israel in retaliation  for the killing of the Hezbollah leader. But their nearly 200 missiles were mostly thwarted by Israel's famous anti missile dome. They managed to kill one person, ironically a Palestinian from Jerico. We are all now waiting to see how Israel will retaliate.

I had a slightly better night and woke up feeling slightly more refreshed on Wednesday morning. It was 2nd October. That day an old pupil of my mother's, Vladimir, a teacher of English at the University of Sofia, wrote "Yesterday was the 25 years passing away of your mother and my good friend, Elena Llooyd (née Princess Lieven. May her soul rest in peace and eternal memory". I realised I had completely forgotten. This year was the first time I ever forgot. How could I forget? Maybe because I was so wrapped up in Suzy being back and on recovering. I felt so bad and Suzy told me I shouldn't. Born in Rome on 7th June 1920, just after the Russian revolution,  she died of cancer in Bradford, Yorkshire, on 1st October 1999 aged 79. She left us all bereft. She was such a remarkable woman. I have written about her many times here but have not written her book. Will I ever I wonder? But to remember her I posted some old photos of her over the years; not that I have very many. Those I do I treasure and here are some of them.

Bulgaria probably in about 1940

Feldkirch, Austria after the war and working for the French Control Commission helping displaced people. 1945

The photo she used for her refugee documents during and after the war

With her pupils at the so-called "Spy School" in Cambridge, early 50's.

Cambridge. Engaged and about to be married, probably in 1953

With her fully formed family in Cambridge in 1957, the year I was born

Cycling with George in Cambridge in around 1956

Mummy in the late 50's in Cambridge

In Ruskington (Lincolnshire) where we moved in 1960. Mummy with her children and her pigs. 

With George and me in the late 70's at the Norwich Russian courses

On my wedding day, the four of us with Eladio - August 1983. She was 63 then

Recently retired with my father in the mid 80's at the Norwich Russian courses again

On her first visit to Bulgaria after the Iron Curtain fell. With her three sisters (left to right) Masha, Olga and Dara. They had parted in Sofia as young girls and met again as old women to quote my dear Mother. 
Many people wrote how I look like my Mother and Suzy too. Funny but we don't see it. So there you have it, some photos from significant moments in her life and what a life she had. Thank you Vladimir for reminding me that this week was the 25th anniversary of her passing away. Again, how could I have forgotten?

Apart from that lapse, Wednesday was a quiet and good day. We went for our walk and had our meals with Suzy. Of note I also helped Mohammad find free Spanish lessons for foreign nationals. He is now on a mission to learn Spanish and we shall help him. 

The news that most pleased me that day was Carlos Alcaraz beating Janik Sinner in the China Open. He is back with a vengeance I hope. What great players they are. 

Thursday came. Our lovely Canadian guests left< off to Nerja and then to explore Andalusia. We, meanwhile, had to get ready for new guests and Suzy had to move rooms. She is going to have to spend several nights in the annex of our room. Apart from clearing it out and making it look homely, we had to deal with some mould caused by condensation we are told. Leroy Merlin (LM) had the products and this week saw Eladio removing it and painting the room which now looks quite attractive.

We did the shopping in the morning including coffee at Manacor and had a pleasant lunch with Suzy who generally does her own thing but is a lot more sociable than before. New guests arrived in the afternoon, a German lady and her Spanish husband from the Canary Islands. They soon settled in and I didn't see them again that day. 

Oli brought the kids again that afternoon while she went to her Thursday French lessons. We spent some time with them by the pool w hen I got Eladio to string conkers for Elliot. For both of them this was something new. Later I wished we hadn't as his first target was poor Juliet. We had promised to take them out to dinner to a place called VIPs, a rather good and established fast food restaurant. Their behaviour could have been better as it felt like feeding time at the zoo (hahahaha). They only really wanted a dessert and both adored the pancakes and Suzy's chocolate pudding. Elliot ate very little while Juliet wolfed down anything she saw on her plate, mine or Suzy's. 
Juliet and Suzy enjoying a chocolate dessert at VIPs this week

I had a club sandwich which I shared with her as well as a pancake with maple syrup (delicious).  Later I regretted eating such heavy food for dinner.  Oli picked them up shortly after 8 pm and the three of us returned home and went straight to bed. It had been fun but quite exhausting. 

Friday came. That day Airbnb  recognised all my efforts for this last year and declared me Super Host once again with a whole year of  consecutive 5 star reviews. I was rather happy about that.

Airbnb super host again with top marks in each category. 

It's not easy to get 5 stars for all stays in one year but I did it. 

The house was full of guests that day and at one stage I found myself cooking with Jen from the Philippines who cooks for her son every day. We were joined by Bea from Mexico who was translating Mohammad's CV into Spanish. At one stage my new German lady guest popped her head into the kitchen, to add to the nationalities of women in this house this week, including Tana from Paraguay. Jen was making a dish called Pancit Bihon and left some for us and for Suzy to take to Oli's. The main base is rice noodles (the glass kind) and I thought it was delicious. 

We went on our walk, I cooked and made Elliot's favourite, meat balls some of which Suzy took to him for dinner and apparently he wolfed down 8 of them I shall be making more. 

Saturday was quiet too. Oli had a friend from the girls' scouting days, Laura and her 1 year old baby staying. I was so happy that Suzy wanted to join them as she has been such a recluse. Late she told me she had had a good time - music to my ears. We went for our walk and later had coffee at Manacor where our main topic of conversation was the garden house. We are not there yet but will be, I hope.

And today is Sunday and it threatens to rain. I think the Indian Summer is nearly over unfortunately. We shan't do much today but I shall be counting my blessings. I'm so glad to have such good news this week as I'm sure you can imagine. Let's hope and pray it continues.

And that's it my friends from me until next Sunday.

Have a good day.  Cheers Masha

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