Sunday, August 25, 2024

Time with Suzy in Santa Pola after leaving the hospital, celebrating our 41st wedding anniversary at La Finca, home again and other stories of the week.

 Madrid, Sunday, 25th August, 2024

On our 41st wedding anniversary in Santa Pola
Good morning again.

Life always continues after a storm if you survive it and it seems we have for the moment. If you read my post last Sunday from Santa Pola, you will know that Suzy was discharged from the psychiatric ward at the General Hospital in Elche on the Friday.  You will know also that she was diagnosed with persistent delusional disorder. 

We spent a few days with her after leaving the hospital to help her gently ease back into the fold of our family and to begin her life again. She is on anti psychotic medication and will begin therapy this Tuesday. Our daughter is now 40 and although we can give her all the support in the world, we cannot police her constantly to make sure she is taking her meds and not smoking marijuana. It is this seemingly not so benign drug that most possibly triggered the disorder. She seemed a lot calmer and actually spent some time with us; more than usual. 

We also enjoyed the apartment together in August thanks to the air conditioning we finally put in this month. 

We even went down to the beach one morning with her and we all swam. I didn't get a good picture but I got one of my dear daughter in the sea. It was good to see her enjoying herself.
Suzy having an early morning bathe in Santa Pola this week. 
We had several heart to hearts which did us both good. Slowly she is realising that some of her beliefs - not all of them - are delusional. She also admitted what I feared most, that she suffered immensely while really believing the world was out to get her or that people wanted to poison her. She even admitted one of the reasons she didn't want to seek help was the stigma. My family are now way past that stage, including Suzy who gave me permission to write about her mental health issues. We all agree there is nothing to hide or to be ashamed of. I remember years ago when cancer or Aids used to be taboo illnesses. Thankfully they no longer are and it should be the same with mental health. Olivia, my other daughter, even thinks I should campaign for there to be less stigma and more help, especially for families of sufferers who have their hands tied to get help for their loved ones when it is against their will. Only when a real tragedy happens can the medical services get involved and that is how Suzy finally got treatment. But we had to wait years for that to happen while we watched her deteriorate further and further. That's where society has to change. I wonder if you agree.

She was a lot calmer and up to joining us on outings which weren't just shopping. Before, she hardly left the flat because she was so afraid. It was her idea to drive to the Fountains of Algar - near Callosa where my parents bought a ramshackle house in the early 70's in Franco's Spain. That was a wonderful trip down memory lane. We have been countless times but going there still brings it all back; my beginnings in Spain. We had lunch at Casa Marcos where Eladio and I started going out in the summer of 1980. There we had a marvelous rice dish, typical of the area. This is it.
Arroz Señoret at Casa Marcos at Fuentes de Algar

I had another heart to heart this week in Santa Pola. It was with my dear Polish/Swedish friend, Magda. Her parents have the apartment opposite ours on the same floor. We first met 3 years ago and reconnected this year. We were both very busy with our respective families so I was grateful to Magda for making time for tea with me (and wine for her hahaha) the afternoon before she returned to cold and cloudy Stockholm.  

We did shopping for Suzy, had coffee out and generally spent a quiet time together, always reminding her to take her meds - I'm so frightened she won't - which she seemed to do, apart from a hiccup at the beginning of the week. Their full effect won't kick in for another two weeks or so, but they are already making her calmer. But we are still walking on eggshells and at times it feels we are on a roller coaster. It takes time for us all to adjust. 

Olivia and family, meanwhile, have returned to Montrondo which they describe as a ghost village as most people have left. During the year only 11 people live there and it only gets full in the summer with people who are from the village but live elsewhere. Towards the second half of August many have left, including most of Elliot and Juliet's cousins. Oli sent me photos of them on their bikes and by the river in Murias where they bathed. 

Olivia and family in Montrondo again this week
Wednesday was a very special day, our 41st wedding anniversary and I had booked a table at La Finca, a one Michelin star restaurant near Elche. I have been a few times and if I could, I would eat there once a week. 

That day I reflected on our marriage which has had no ups or downs. It's pretty incredible but I think we are both as much in love today as the day we got married; 21st August 1983. This was us on that day, one of the happiest in our lives. 

On our wedding day and with our whole married life ahead of us - Madrid, 21st August 1983

No way could either of us have imagined that we would still be together so many years later. I didn't know it but at that moment I was already pregnant with dear Suzy who was born in April 1984. And then there was Olivia to come and we formed a family and grew together.  We got good jobs, bought houses and now we are retired and trying to enjoy our twilight years, despite everything. We were 26 and 38 (nearly 39) and today we are 67 and nearly 80. How young we looked in the wedding photo posted above. But I do like to think we have aged gracefully. Oh to be young again without all the wrinkles and signs of old age which are so ugly. 

 I always consider I won the lottery of marriage. We both did. We are different in many, many ways, but we have the same values and still respect, admire and love each other while giving each other space. Space is important. We are often in the house together, like today but we are both doing our own thing. We come together to do errands, go on walks (not many lately), to do the shopping and of course have meals together as well as go on holiday. We have fulfilled our wedding vows, especially the most important, "for better or for worse". When the going gets tough as it has now, we face things together and support each other. May we celebrate many more wedding anniversaries. It now looks like we might make it to our 50th. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

I only had 3 dresses to choose from as I had only brought 3 of them to Santa Pola as I hastily packed our suitcase when we rushed there to be with Suzy. I chose the red and white dress I bought at a market in Ostuni (Puglia, Italy) on our road trip in May which now feels like such a long time ago after all that has happened. Suzy took photos of us ready to go out including the one I have chosen as this week's feature photo.  

La Finca is a very special place and quite expensive too but really worth it. I love the building and gardens but am a bit unhappy they no longer serve dinner on the beautiful terrace with so much foliage. 

La Finca from the outside

The bridge to the garden

Once inside we took a while to choose the long or short tasting menu and in the end went for the short one which was quite enough I can tell you. We were in for a wonderful gastronomic and luxurious evening which I thought we both deserved after such a black period in our life. We both agree, come what may, we have to carry on.
About to enjoy our anniversary dinner at La Finca (Elche - Alicante) this week

I love tasting menus of creative food I could never ever make at home. Eladio has his doubts and is more a two course man but he also thoroughly enjoyed our dinner at La Finca. Here are some photos to make your mouth water or maybe put La Finca on your bucket list if you are a foodies because this is definitely a foodie's paradise.

My tasting menu at La Finca this week
The food was divine and the bread was a creation in itself. We were home by about 11.30 and dear Suzy was waiting up for us. I felt a bit guilty for not taking her but it was our night really so Eladio told me not to be.

The next day was Thursday, the day we had decided to leave. We would have liked to stay until Suzy had her first appointment with her new psychiatrist but she didn't want us to go with her or even drive her there as she wants to work out the buses herself. Hopefully, she will get on with her and we will hear all about it.

Just before we left, at Suzy's request, her father opened a coconut she had bought - Suzy is very much into natural food. I took a photo of her looking happy and feeling at peace drinking the wonderful juice on our little terrace. I just wish she wasn't so thin but hopefully she will now eat more and gain a bit of weight as 7 stone is far too little. Finally this week she let me take a photo of her which has been very much a no no recently apart from when she was at the hospital.
Suzy enjoying natural coconut juice
She gave me a bit of a scare before we left. When I woke up that morning I saw she had packed a suitcase. Where on earth was she going? I was worried stiff. She explained, rather irrationally that her tarot card readings that morning had told her she would be going on a journey and to pack a suitcase to be ready for it.  Where on earth to? She said it wasn't now but she must be prepared. This was an obvious delusion which later she commented she would be telling her therapist about. Suzy says she is "guided" and by guided she means that God talks to her through the tarot cards which for me are the occult but for her are the most important thing in her life. She cannot make any decisions before consulting the damn cards.  I hope one day she will leave them aside as for now she is a puppet of her readings, even for the most insignificant things. 

We left at around 10.30 feeling a little worried as you can imagine. When will the fear and worry go away I ask myself? When she gets better and she is on the right path. I pray and hope she stays on it.

Our journey was swift and uneventful. We only stopped for a coffee and a snack and were home by 3.15. Tana was waiting for us and the table was laid for lunch, bless her. The house was quiet with only one guest. Thus I had the pool to myself that afternoon. We did some quick food shopping to stock our beautiful and enormous new fridge with essentials such as gazpacho and coconut yoghurt, hahaha.

On Friday Eladio told me to get off my backside and join him for an early morning walk before it got too hot. With all that has been going on, we have stopped our walks and we must continue. It was great and not too hot either although it would get a lot hotter later. I went to the hairdresser to do my roots and walked out without drying it.

Tana went off for the weekend that day instead of Saturday as we had a a whole load of guests coming to use the pool. 

That afternoon I booked a suite at the Hotel Landa near Burgos to celebrate Eladio's 80th birthday in September. We love that place where we often stop for lunch or a coffee but have never stayed there. It will be another thing to look forward to. He doesn't want a party, just a get away somewhere not too far from Madrid. His wish will be fulfilled at the Landa.

Saturday was busy. I had a group of 14 people coming to use the pool for someone else's 80th birthday. They had booked on the Swimmy platform which I don't use much as normally the house is too full of Airbnb guests to rent out the pool. I did have guests that day; just two young men; Povilas from Lithuania who is becoming part of the furniture and Kemal who drove all the way from Paris, non stop, on his impressive motorbike. Thus that afternoon we stayed inside. I was basically waiting for the group to go at 8 pm. 

But there was time yesterday morning for errands - Eladio took the car to fill it with oil and I went to be pampered at the local nail bar, De Uñas in Boadilla.  I also had my eyebrows dyed as well as my eyelashes which I  had "lifted".That was a horrible and tortuous process and  I am not doing it again. My nails look nice,despite my old and wrinkled hands. Notice I am wearing my mother's lovely and unique turquoise engagement ring. They bought it second hand and one day it will probably belong to Juliet, my soon to be 4 year old granddaughter. I love it. 
My newly polished nails

Today is Sunday and for the third day in a row we went on an early morning walk at 8.15.It was only 20ºc this morning - what a relief - but will reach 34ºc later today. I will definitely be in the pool this afternoon to make the most of it while I can.

A lot has been going on this week on the news front but these days we don't watch the news much - we have been too embroiled in our own family drama. But as a recap, Kamala Harris, the Democrat Presidential candidate seems to be holding her own against Donald Trump - pray and hope she wins. This weekend a man stabbed and killed people in a town in Germany, an act claimed by the horrible Islamic State. And last night Israel bombed Lebanon while Hezbollah fired rockets. The Ukraine is now more in the news as their army attacks Russian territory, something new in the crisis between the two countries. But the biggest news was of a super yacht sinking in Sicily, Titanic style. It was owned by a mega rich British entrepreneur, Mike Lynch, who I had never heard of.  No one understands how this super yacht sank so quickly while nearby boats survived the storm undamaged. There will be an investigation. 

Today though will be a quiet day after our own particular storm which I know we will somehow survive. 

And on that note, let me wish you a happy Sunday. Cheers till next week,


Saturday, August 17, 2024

A short update after a break from this blog. Difficult times in Santa Pola, Olivia and family came, Suzy is home and other stories.

 Santa Pola, Sunday, 18th August, 2024

Reunited with Suzy this week
Good morning all.

I have taken a break from this blog and last wrote on Sunday 4th August which turned out to be a very black day, although it started off with lots of joy and happiness when Olivia and our grandchildren came to visit. 

For once that day we had no guests so we had the house and pool all to ourselves and we made the most of it. Here is a snapshot of a happy moment which I entitled "where there is darkness, there is light". 
Happy moments in the pool with Olivia and the kids
Soon our lives were turned upside down and the nightmare began. At around 3 pm, Suzy, our adored oldest daughter, was admitted into a psychiatric ward in Alicante and was very soon diagnosed with Persistent Delusional Disorder. 

I debated whether to tell this story or not. Without telling it I could not continue with my blog as anything else in our lives pales in comparison. It's Suzy who gave me permission so I am writing this with her blessing and also because mental health should not be taboo or  anything to be ashamed of. It can be far worse than a physical medical issue. I hope you agree.

Someone said to me recently "you are only as happy as your least happiest child". She was right. So I suffered while I knew she suffered because people with delusional disorder have unshakable beliefs. Thus they believe that they are being persecuted or whatever the belief is and they suffer as one would in normal life. I suffered for her but also for us because she didn't want any contact with us. It was difficult to even find out where she had been admitted and as soon as we could, we made our way to Santa Pola to our apartment which felt so strange and empty without Suzy. 

I couldn't sleep, I could hardly eat and smoked myself silly. We were not on holiday, I can tell you and did not go on walks or out for meals. How could we? How could I enjoy life while my daughter was alone in a psychiatric ward? The only thing that calmed me down was continuously playing stupid patience (the card game) on my phone. I have to say this has been the most difficult period of my life. Thank God I had my husband.

 After far too long a time, we were finally contacted by her psychiatrist who wouldn't tell us much and only wanted us to sort out Suzy's health paperwork as she was registered in Madrid and had to be registered here. That kept us busy and gave us an excuse to go to the hospital where, finally, Suzy agreed to see her father, but not me. I can't tell you how much that hurt but I knew it was the illness talking. Eventually and after much insistence from her father, a few days later, she let me see her and she melted into my arms, all of her qualms about seeing me gone. That's the photo I have chosen for this week's feature photo. She was happy to see us and seemed like the old Suzy. I was so glad to hear too that she was actually happy in the ward and liked being there and was grateful for the help she was being given.  She showed us around and frankly the place was very nice. She accepted the medication and therapy both of which had begun to help. She had made friends and joined all the therapy sessions, loved the food and slept well. That was music to my ears. She even accepted her diagnosis and  began to question some of her bizarre beliefs. She is on the road to recovery if, pray to God, she doesn't falter and carries on with the medication and therapy.

And here is a photo of her with her father and dear Pippa on another visit. I love it.
Visiting Suzy and taking Pippa to see her
Only then could we begin to live.  We managed one trip down to the beach at 7.30 am  one morning to beat the crowds and the heat. That would be the only walk of the week and it did us a lot of good.
An early morning bathe and walk this week
Ah, and once we went down to the pool to try and relax and read.

Meanwhile, Olivia and family were on holiday at a campsite in Oroposa del Mar (Castellón) where they had booked a bungalow. So we loved receiving photos of our grandchildren, to take our minds off the big drama going on in our lives, of which they were not aware, bless them.
Elliot and Juliet on holiday in Oropesa this week, wearing their personalised Spanish football team t-shirts

Olivia, of course, was worried about her sister and us and I suggested they come here when their holiday finished. So they came on Thursday and brought much joy and chaos with them. They were a wonderful distraction. It also meant that Oli would get to see Suzy with whom she had also cut off ties  because of her illness. 

She had news for me about our upcoming trip to London in September where she will be presenting the awards for the 50 best hotels in the world at the Guildhall. Wow! The news was that we will be accommodated at The Rosewood Hotel in London, a wonderful 5 star place where just one night costs over 800 pounds!! Oli is wondering what the breakfast will be like. I am wondering what the bathroom amenities will be like, not to mention the comfort of the bed. We will be truly pampered there for 4 whole nights! That is really something to look forward to. 

They arrived on Thursday midday and we had lunch ready for them to sit down. Here is a photo to remember the moment.
Beautiful Oli and her family who came to be with us in our darkest moment on Thursday this week

We had asked Suzy's psychiatrist for a session where the three of us could talk to her. She was a bit reluctant, even though Suzy had given her permission. We felt so out of it. We are her parents but because she is not a minor, we get no say in anything at all. It's very frustrating.  She grudgingly agreed to one on Friday morning.  

We spent the afternoon with the kids by the pool  and on our way back bumped into our Polish/Swedish neighbours.  My  friend Magda has a son called Elliot, like our Elliot and we managed to get a photo of them together which was rather fun.
Juliet and Elliot with Elliot and Adrian, our Polish/Swedish neighbours

 Oli and I couldn't be bothered to cook so we went to have a pizza across the road at Soleluna, now under new management. The pizzas were divine and we had an interesting conversation with the waitress, Nadia who is from Belaruns. The children  behaved reasonably well and I actually enjoyed the meal. 

Friday came and we rang the hospital for our appointment only to be surprised to hear Suzy was being discharged that very day. I thought it was far too early but what could we do? Nothing. We did get to see the psychiatrist who told us Suzy would be continuing therapy with a local woman psychiatrist and would continue to take her medication. Later we went to pick her up and it was such a joyful moment. We sort of celebrated and went to an ice cream parlour together. The kids then wanted to go to the pool so we all went together. I was so happy to see my two daughters together having a heart to heart and making up for missed time.

Dinner was made by Suzy - I had sprained my wrist (damn it) and it was perfect. We were all together and we had fun. We really did. I felt so much better.

But 7 in the flat is a bit too much and yesterday Oli and co left at around midday, after another heart to heart with Suzy. 

They took a while to gather all their stuff and we kept the kids busy as you can see in this lovely photo Suzy took of us. 
A lovely moment with our grandchildren yesterday just before they left

And suddenly we were alone again but with Suzy who seems to be on the right path. All I want is for her to get better. We have had a heart to heart too which has done us both a lot of good.

Still reeling from the events this week, I felt exhausted both mentally and physically. We didn't leave the apartment except to take Pippa out to do her business, bless her. She is therapy for Suzy and for me. On that topic, let me tell you, she is therapy for all of us and that my grandchildren adore her too. This weekend they took it in turns to take her lead and wanted her to sit on their laps. Just look at this beautiful photo of Elliot and Pippa.
Elliot with Pippa 
So now you understand why I couldn't write or publish my blog last Sunday. Now I can, with Suzy's permission. 

We shall be staying until 22nd August and thus will be here for our 41st wedding anniversary this week coming. I had to cancel the hotel I had booked  in Galicia. Instead, we shall go out to dinner to my favourite restaurant in the area, the Michelin Star La Finca. That will be something else to look forward to. 

Slowly I am regaining my life and adjusting to our circumstances and slowly the family is being reunited. With our support and love I hope and pray Suzy gets better. And, however long it takes, we will always be there for her. 

All the best for now,


Sunday, August 04, 2024

Elliot reunited with Pippa, to Santa Pola to see Suzy and get the apartments ready for guests, a day by the pool, meeting Magda, home again, some retail therapy and other stories of the week.

Madrid,  Sunday, 4th August, 2024

Reunited with Magda in Gran Alacant. 

Good morning everyone. 

It is now August and full summer; as hot as it can be in Spain or more if that is possible. I really can't wait to get back to Montrondo to escape the heat.

This week though, we had to go to Santa Pola to see Suzy, of course, but also to prepare the apartment for guests who are there now. They had made the reservation well before our daughter went to live there. I couldn't cancel the booking, although I wish I could have because of all the upheaval, as I would have been penalised by Airbnb. They could either take me off the platform or downgrade my super host status which would jeopardise our business.

I spent most of the day last Sunday thinking about this and how to get around it and what to do with Suzy while the apartment was occupied. I knew she didn't want to come home so I looked for an Airbnb for her to stay at. Sounds crazy to be renting the apartment on Airbnb and paying for an Airbnb for her doesn't it? But that was my only option. It wasn't about money. It was about saving my business and making my daughter happy. 

I didn't do much that day. Again it was too hot to go out, too hot for a walk and even too hot to have our meals outside. Our Argentinian guests left and later gave me a 5 star review. I had another couple staying but I didn't see them. I only saw Povilas, my solo guest from Lithuania who has come to live in Spain after finding a job with the Santander banking group. He is staying with us while looking for permanent accommodation for himself, his wife and their baby. What a delightful guest he is.

I was a bundle of nerves that night and hardly slept for fear of how we would find Suzy who didn't want us to go and nor did she want to leave the apartment. But we had to go and we did. Before we left on Monday morning, Oli who was back from Montrondo, paid us a visit with Elliot to give Eladio his wallet which he had left behind in the village. Juliet was at nursery this week so we only saw Elliot who we were delighted to see again. He is so much calmer on his own. He is a little boy now and no longer a baby. He was going to buy clothes at the Corte Inglés department store with his mother, who has taken one months unpaid leave on top of her holidays. Elliot loves clothes and loves shopping which is unusual for a small boy. I think he gets it from his father. I wish I could have gone with them but with a heavy heart I had to leave and drive in trepidation all the way to Santa Pola. 

Before we left I took a photo of him stroking Pippa. I love the way he is so gentle with her and she loves him too.

Elliot and Pippa reunited
I was as pleased as punch to hear him say "great grandpa" when he went past a photo of my father. He was just 2 when my father died in October 2021 but he obviously remembers him. I remember my father reacting to his name when Olivia told him their choice. He said "it's a very distinguished name". I also remember his reaction when he first set eyes on Elliot as a new born baby. He said "I wish him a very productive life". What a wonderful wish for his great grandson to whom he once said out loud "I love you". I remember realising that my father had never said that to me as he was so reserved. No wonder Elliot remembers him, or so I like to think.

We said our goodbyes just after 10.30 but would be reunited upon our return this week. We had a long and hot drive which seemed eternal to me. I just wanted to get it all over with; getting there and facing Suzy's reaction. We stopped for lunch although I was not interested in the food and got there at around 4.30pm. We didn't have the key to get in as the lock had been changed but when we knocked she opened the door and was non too pleased to see us and extremely cross we hadn't brought Pippa. The,  reception was frosty and aggressive and I felt awful but after a while, she calmed down and behaved more normally.  We hadn't seen her since her birthday at the end of April and I realised she has lost an awful lot of weight. She looks so bony and fragile, as well as gaunt but I didn't want to tell her that.

My first job was sorting out all the sheets and towels, setting aside all of them for washing. Eladio went about cleaning all the portable fans which, for some reason, go all grey and black on the inside. It was hot there but not as hot as in Madrid, thank God. As soon as those jobs were over, we sat on the terrace and could actually enjoy a breeze, even if it was 28ºc. That's because the apartment is on a cliff above the sea. 

Even so I found it difficult to sleep and had two fans going all night. I think I managed just over 5 hours and woke up to 27ºc on Tuesday morning.  It was good to be back although we didn't go there on holiday and not once did we go to the beach. We neither had the time nor the inclination as it was just too hot.
Back in Santa Pola this week

We had a busy morning getting the apartment ready which included washing all the bed linen and towels in the house and there are a lot of them. I also washed all the cushion cases  and must have put on at least 10 washing loads that day. We only went out to do the shopping and get a copy of the keys for the new guests, as well as extra gate keys and swimming pool remotes; all of which Suzy had lost. That meant a visit to the local community offices and only then could we go and do the shopping. We had to get all sorts of house products for the guests and Suzy, of course. We managed a mid morning coffee which I suppose was the highlight of the day. 

I had brought enough provisions for meals; all of which Suzy made, bless her. She seemed to be much calmer around us thank goodness. I tried to sleep a siesta but even with two fans going in my room, it was just too hot. Thankfully the terrace doesn't get the sun in the afternoons so that's where I spent most of the rest of the day. I took 4 or 5 cold showers during the day; the only way to keep reasonably cool. Mar, the lady who used to be my key holder here, receiving guests, came to see me to pick up a new set of keys. She always did a wonderful job and it was good to see her again. 

I had one eye on the tennis that day. Rafa Nadal and Carlos Alcaraz were playing the second round of men's doubles at the Paris Olympics which they won in a very tight match. They were then through to the Quarter Finals which sadly they lost. Well, at least we enjoyed this unique tandem while it lasted. It's probably the end of Rafa's career - as it was Andrew Murray's.    That was the news I was most interested in. I'm fed up of any other news as it's all the same, apart from that dreadful shooting incident at a children's dancing school in the UK - abominable and of course all the horrible  and violet right wing demonstrations in various British cities.  Eladio is much more interested in the court case surrounding the Spanish PM's wife which will probably lead nowhere. 

Wednesday came, our last full day in Santa Pola. There was more washing to do. Thankfully we didn't have to do much cleaning as Lucy, my neighbour, cleaned the place after we left and did the final touches to get it ready for the guests; a family from France. Even so, Eladio deep cleaned the oven and I deep cleaned the dustbins.

With most of the job done, we could relax a bit and I intended to make the most of it and spend time by the pool, one of the best things about our pad near the beach. 

The swimming pool for the blocks of apartments where we have ours, is really one of the reasons I fell in love with the place when we bought the flat in 1999 all those years ago. It stands perched above the sea and is surrounded by a Mediterranean garden. It couldn't be more beautiful. Also it's quite cool as it is  high up and the views are wonderful. I took some photos to show you.

Our pool and the views of the Bay of Alicante with the beach just down the road
I took a not particularly good selfie to remember the moment; one of the happiest during our stay there.
A selfie by the pool on Wednesday morning
I was soon joined by Suzy and Eladio and we had some good quality time together. While we were there, Juliet was attending her last day at the nursery accompanied by Elliot. Next September she moves on to junior school proper, so that day was quite memorable in her little life. Oli sent some lovely photos of them. Here they are, the little mites  I love so much.
Juliet's last day at nursery school on Wednesday this week

I spent most of the morning there until about 1pm. Suzy made our lunch as she did every day. Eladio did the washing up and I hardly did anything - luxury.

When they went to have their siestas, I returned to the pool again which was almost empty. There waiting for me was my friend and neighbour, Magda. Magda's  parents who are from Sweden and of Polish origin have an apartment in our block and on the same floor. We met in 2021 and made fast friends and have kept in touch ever since. However, we had not seen each other since that summer as we never coincided. But fate had it that while we were there this week, she and her two young sons, Elliot (yes Elliot, like my grandson) and Adrian were flying from Stockholm. We, of course were leaving on Thursday, so had just one day to meet up.

They were by the pool and we sat and chin wagged all afternoon. There was so much to tell each other. Later we had drinks on our terrace; just the two of us and we nearly polished off over three quarters of a bottle of white wine. Eladio took some photos, one of which I have chosen as this week's feature photo. Here is another.
Time with Magda on Wednesday
I am 21 years older than my Swedish friend but that doesn't seem to matter at all. It's like we are soul sisters. We were both ecstatic to meet again. I really hope we don't have to wait another 3 years next time. It was pure bliss having girly time which doesn't happen often because after the death of my dear friend Fátima, my only real girlfriends live abroad - Amanda in Devon, Kathy and Phil in Yorkshire, Sandra in Brussels and Adele in Brittany. I do not have a close girlfriend in Spain and I miss that. So, thank you Magda for a wonderful meet up. Was great to see you. It made my day.

On the topic of girly time I had some very good news that day. Olivia had asked the organisers of  50 Best restaurants whether I could have a seat at the Guildhall , London, where she will be presenting the awards for this years 50 best hotels on September 17th. There answer was an "of course". Not only that;  they will be putting me on their VIP list and want to invite us to all the other events related to the awards ceremony. These are them. Just look at the venues!
The events being held around the World's 50 best restaurants awards in London in September
Apart from the London Guildhall, they include The Dorchester and some fancy ship called  Silver Sturgeon in Woods Quay. I then read that the awards ceremony at the Guildhall is "black tie". Oh my God I thought, what the hell can I wear? The obvious is a long evening dress but they don't suit me as I am short and dumpy. I read up the dress code for women for black tie and thankfully, I can wear a cocktail dress. But what will I wear to The Dorchester and the fancy ship?  I won't splash out, that's for sure. The answer came on Saturday. Now I have lovely girly time in London with Olivia to look forward to in September. I was pleased as punch. 

Anyway, back to our last night at the apartment after dear Magda left. We had nearly everything ready to leave the next morning, except for one more washing load to put on. God knows how many loads I put on but now all the bed linen and towels are fresh and clean. The whole exercise was one big deep clean to be given the finishing touches to by Lucy when she and her team got the apartment ready when we left on Thursday morning.

I didn't sleep too badly that night and was up at 6.30 and put my sheets in the washing machine (yes another load). We had plenty of time to vacate the apartment before we left at 11.30 to take Suzy to her Airbnb in Alicante from where we would drive home. I only hoped all would go ok for here there as these days she just hates to leave this flat and socialise. Poor darling.

Before I left, I said goodbye to Magda who was staying for 3 weeks and I wished her a great holiday. The drive to Alicante was short and soon Suzy was settling into a room in a shared flat where the owner is a Russian woman, Olga, from St. Petersburg. The space was fine, very clean and quite spacious and not too far from the centre. She has to spend 7 nights there until the guests leave our apartment. We couldn't stay long to see her off as there was nowhere to park the car. We kissed and hugged and off we went. Sadly, she wouldn't let me take a photo.  I really hoped she would be ok and that there will be no drama.

It was a long drive home and very, very hot outside. We bought two lousy sandwiches which we had to eat in the car with the air conditioning on. It was 41c outside, in the province of Albacete - unbearable. It was nearly as hot at home when we arrived at around 5.30. We came just as our new guests arrived, a family from Peru who had taken up two parking spaces so we had nowhere to put our own car. That made me a bit cross but Eladio sorted it.

It was great to see little Pippa again, to eat dinner in the air conditioned dining room as well as sleep in our own beds. Despite the comfort and the air con, I did not find it easy to sleep. I had had such a tense time in Santa Pola I was reeling from the experience. I needed to calm down but it was not to be.

Friday came and we had lots to do. Amazingly that morning it was only 21ºc at 7.30 am; 4 degrees down. The maximum temperature that day was "only" 34º which was a bit of a respite. It even rained in the centre of Madrid which must have been a relief for anyone living there. This doesn't  mean the heatwave is over though. I don't think it will be until September. 

Eladio and I had lots to do that morning which included the shopping as our cupboards were bare and Oli and the kids were coming for lunch. Our first stop was the post office which is far away and always gets me that the postman can't ring the bell to deliver a parcel. I was eagerly awaiting a little present from Airbnb. It's a lovely mug  and is now my second. I love it and gave public thanks to Airbnb on Instagram. 

Thank you Airbnb
Every now and again Airbnb sends me a gift which I suppose is a sign of their appreciation of my part of the business as a super host. Recognition is always welcome; especially when you are your own boss. 

Half of our morning was taken up at the town hall and then El Corte Inglés - the highlight being a coffee at Starbucks there. Then it was a rush to fill our trolleys at Mercadona and Carrefour to be back on time for lunch; mostly prepared by Tana.

It was a joy to see our little grandchildren who, although they had apparently had lunch at 1,  had it again at our place. They then raided our new fridge for ice cream and we all chose our favourites. They stayed a while enjoying the swings and playing with a water pistol. I wasn't very happy when Elliot sprayed water on the outdoor furniture. I suppose boys will be boys.

After they left, I made a beeline for the pool. I had it to myself as our Peruvian guests were out in Madrid. As it was slightly cooler on Friday it was very pleasant to be there. I fell asleep on one of our very comfortable sun loungers, only waking up occasionally when Pippa barked at a bird or something.

While I was having a quiet day, the Olympics continued. Carlos Alcaraz was playing Felix Augur-Aliassine from Canada. He beat his opponent 6-1, 6-1 to reach the finals, meaning he is assured of a medal, be that silver or gold. Spain has garnered very few medals so far but all the country is rooting for Carlitos to get one today. The 21 year old  is playing Djokovic (37) and I will be too nervous to watch. If Carlitos wins, he will repeat Nadal's feat in 2008 of winning Roland Garros, Wimbledon and an Olympic gold medal in the same year. But the Serb will be hungry. For all his twenty odd grand slams, the Olympic gold medal has always eluded him and it's his last chance.

I slept a bit better than night, catching up on a lot of lost sleep but was awake early on Saturday morning. It was just 20ºc which meant I needed a dressing gown to have my breakfast on the kitchen patio. What a relief again. Eladio took the Volvo to do its MOT while I decided to visit the street market in Majadahonda, on the lookout for cocktail dresses for the fancy events in London in September.  I was in the mood for a bit of retail therapy. I didn't expect to find anything suitable but in the end I think I did.

I went straight to a stall which sells party dresses but nothing felt right. While trying on clothes in the van, I got a call from Mar in Santa Pola. The French guests had complained the gas water heater didn't work. Why on earth I thought would they need hot water in such weather? We never used it once so didn't cotton on to it being broken. Lucy, our neighbour, who has the same make, went to try and get it going but couldn't. That nearly spoiled my morning. It was a Saturday so not much could be done. I needed to find a gas plumber - mission impossible - so rang the local electronics shop. They could sell me a new water heater but needed to find a plumber to install it and couldn't guarantee when. Oh dear, the banes  of being an Airbnb or Booking host are endless. I had to eat humble pie with the French guests and I hope they appreciate my efforts and don't expect me to refund their stay. I'm only just covering costs with having to pay for Suzy to stay at in Alicante. 

By then I had totally lost interested in the market which I usually love. It was pretty full so I walked into the centre to have a coffee and mull what to do about the bloody water heater - not easy when you are over 400km away at the weekend. I then walked to two boutiques I know well from all my visits to the dentist in the winter and spring. I came up trumps at a cheapo Chinese women's clothes shops where I have bought clothes before. I found this fashionable over size black dress which I thought could do if I wear nice jewelry and a colourful scarf. This is it.
A not so little black dress
It might look nicer with this on. What do you think?
The not so little black dress with this embroidered and transparent overcoat. 
While there, I couldn't resist this colourful little summer tunic style dress. As I have hardly got a waist, I always look better in tunic dresses. I think it's very pretty. 
A new summer dress I found at a cheapo Chinese women's boutique in Majadahonda yesterday

So, I had one black dress that could be suitable. It's sort of oversize and not great quality but will do. However, I still needed another outfit. So I walked up the street to the next boutique where I have bought clothes before. I found this flowery cocktail dress which could do. I liked the shape more than anything. This is it.
This cocktail dress may be a contender for one of the fancy events in London
Not quite sure it was the right thing, I decided to head to Zara where most Spanish women shop and where you can sometimes hit gold. As I walked into the Centro Oeste shopping centre, there in front of me was a boutique belonging to El Corte Inglés called Sfera. Staring at me from outside was a long black and white flamenco style dress - not something that would normally attract me. However, it was long and I had to try on a long dress, in case I found something suitable. Normally I look dumpy in them, but this one is divine. It was cheap at just 11 euros and not that great quality but I know it can work. If it's cold in London in September I shall have to wear a black shawl. This is it.
My long and rather Spanish style black and white dress from Sfera which could do for the awards ceremony in London in September
All was well until I went to pay. I thought I had left the bag with the other three dresses in the changing room which had me  contacting security and feeling upset I had been robbed. Only when it was all over did I suddenly remember I had left it in the car. Oh what a stupid fool I had been making a fuss when all the time it was in the car. Is this memory lapse a sign of old age? 

With three possible outfits, I felt happy. Retail therapy has that effect on one. Before heading home I went into the huge Carrefour Hypermarket to get a few things I had forgotten to add to my shopping list this week. There I found some fake Birkenstock pink plastic sandals which I had to grab. I put them on as soon as I got home, hahahaha.  That was the end of my retail therapy and I came home happy yet still worried about the damned water heater in Santa Pola. 

The rest of the day was free for us both. Our Peruvian guests who leave today, were out again all day and our Lithuanian guest was taking refuge from the sun in his room - Oli's, I'm afraid. Thus I was able to enjoy the pool again. We had another slight respite from the heat.

And today is Sunday and Oli and the kids are coming for lunch. I'm looking forward to that. 

I must now get on with the day, so cheers for the moment and all the best until next Sunday,
