Sunday, December 18, 2022

Christmas shopping with Eladio, a morning in Madrid with the girls, home made strawberry and cream mille feuille, out and about with Elliot and Juliet, Julio came to dinner and other stories of the week.

Sunday, 18th December, 2022

Last night's dinner with Julio kicked off the first of this year's celebration meals

Good morning this Sunday 18th December. It's just one week to Christmas. Are you excited, are you prepared? I am; well nearly, but more about that when the time comes. 

Last Sunday I wasn't and spent some time on a very important task; the menus for our various festive dinners. Julio was coming yesterday which I had to plan for as well as Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day and of course, "Reyes" - Kings' Day in Spain. Our Christmas includes both English and Spanish traditions so we get to have 5 family festive meals.

I didn't have much else to do last Sunday which was a quiet and rainy day; thus no walk again. It would rain non stop until Friday. I do hate the rain and as you know in Spain, supposedly, it mostly does so "on the plain" according to My Fair Lady. That's not quite true but I like the saying.

I did cook though and made a winter stew; my flagship "cocido madrileño". The main ingredients are chickpeas, various meats which must include all sorts of bones and then of course vegetables. It is my husband's favourite meal. It's Julio's too but is far too heavy for a dinner so he would get something else.

We didn't see the grandchildren as, unusually for her, Oli had to work on Sunday to make up for days taken off because of personal issues, like taking the kids to the doctor for various coughs and colds. I have a cold actually which is rather persistent and which I suppose I got from them. But it isn't too bad.

The best remedy is bed and I spent my afternoon there watching more of Call the Midwife. It's so uplifting. It's also a look back on Britain in the 60's when I grew up and I can relate to so many of the stories. One of them was of England winning the World Cup in 1966. Well, that wasn't to be this year but one day it will be. 

Our Chinese guests were not back from Barcelona which made for a quiet house. Tomorrow they are leaving as is Jimena our Colombian guest. Jimena, though will be back, with her son this time, in early January. A Chilean couple are coming the next day until 23rd which is when we close for Christmas until around 6th January. I am blessed  as the house has been full most of the year. You may find it strange that we don't mind having lodgers. Well, we don't. It brings in income to run the house but also the house is so big there is room for lots of lodgers and very few get in the way as there are plenty of places to escape to; mostly our room, our study and the dining room which are all off limits. 

Monday  was yet another rainy day and we had nothing planned. Thus I thought it was the perfect day to do some proper Christmas shopping. Eladio came with me to Plaza Norte 2 which is so big it's not manageable. We started with a coffee together and then when I wandered into Zara and H&M, I realised I shouldn't have dragged my husband from home as he hates shopping. If I put him in my shoes, it is the same when he visits DIY places he loves and I hate. The poor chap ended up  sitting on a bench outside Primark for more than an hour and a half while I went on a shopping spree. I didn't get much, mostly stocking filler things for the girls and one jumper from me to me. I hoped my planned shopping outing to Madrid with the girls on Wednesday would be more successful. It was. Suzy, like her father,  isn't into consumerism, but both Oli and I are.

We came home to lunch on the table; fish and chips. I did not eat the latter and then spent another quiet afternoon in my bedroom. There was no sign of my Chinese guests who I had expected back on Sunday night after a couple of nights in Barcelona. Finally they came back that night but with no warning. The highlight of the day, apart from shopping, was my weekly Skype call with Amanda in the UK. That day there was snow in London and in other parts of England causing havoc to public transport which comes on top of rail strikes. Devon was not affected. In Madrid it rained all day again which was quite depressing. 

Tuesday would be another rainy. We have been experiencing "Storm Efrain" - these days storms have names; funny thing. It wouldn't go until Friday when finally we would have a dry day and we would be back to normal as it doesn't really rain often in Madrid.

My morning started quietly and I even spent some time in our main lounge which is something I hardly ever do. I wanted to read surrounded by the Christmas atmosphere I had created.  I put on seasonal music thanks to Spotify and a new blue tooth connection to our old stereo system. I particularly admired my new merry go round and a lamp tree which comes with a remote to change the lighting. I do love my Christmas gadgets. This was how everything looked as I sat on our very old sofa, one we had bought second hand just before we got married. We refurbished it about 25 years ago and I wondered as I read whether I should do that again. We could spend a packet on refurbishments around the house but it is not going to happen I am afraid.

Enjoying the atmosphere in our main lounge on Tuesday morning
I couldn't stay for long as I had to prepare lunch which would be our "cocido" leftovers. Oli would be joining us and she does love her "cocido". I also spent time helping our Colombian guest Ximena, to find an apartment to rent for the year. It's not easy for her as there are few flats to rent and one of the basic requirements is a work contract which she doesn't have as she is self employed. I hoped my efforts would pull off. 

Our afternoon would be different that day as we had to take care of Juliet and Elliot while Oli swanned off to Madrid to perform as an MC for a big prize winning award ceremony. It's a good job she's not reading this as she wouldn't like me saying that. It meant I had to look after Juliet for 1.5h. She was mesmerised by our winter wonderland and of course wanted to touch everything. How can you explain to a one year old that these are not toys but decorations hahahahhaa?

Juliet enjoying the spirit of Christmas on Tuesday

Meanwhile Eladio had to pick up Elliot and the half an hour he took seemed like ages to me while trying to keep Juliet occupied.  Luckily Suzy joined us - she is so good with the kids - and it was three of us. It was the perfect time to give them the homemade gingerbread men biscuits I had bought at the English Christmas market. I swear I didn't try them. Suzy did and said they tasted delicious. My grandchildren agreed.

My grandchildren enjoying their gingerbread men biscuits
We were relieved of grandparent duty at around 6.30 when their father came. The evening was quiet but the next day, Wednesday, would not be. It was not quiet in Doha where the semi final between Argentina and Croatia was playing. Eladio watched it but I stopped when the South Americans, led by an amazing Liolel Messi, were beating Modric's team 2-0. I always want the underdog to win but it doesn't often happen. It has happened though to Morocco who I wanted to beat France but knew that was nigh on impossible. 

Wednesday  was the day the girls and I went Christmas shopping into Madrid city centre. We knew it was going to rain but being British born that didn't put me off. It did the girls so I reminded them that there were umbrellas to protect them from the rain. That made them laugh.  We set off quite early at around 10.15 and were in Madrid in record time which surprised us. We parked at the Corte Inglés, just off "Callao" and there we split up. Suzy went  to the famous bookshop, "La casa del libro" and Oli and I went into the department store. She was buying a smart watch for Miguel and I was buying another Christmas present from me to me (hahahaha) - a DVD player for our big Samsung TV. We were to meet later in the heart of Madrid and Spain at the famous Puerta del Sol. But first I wanted to introduce Oli to the Japanese answer to Zara, Uniqulo. She loved it and I was lucky as being with her I was able to buy some of her Christmas presents. From Sol the three of us walked to the Four Seasons hotel - again for me. I wanted to show them the beautiful decorations there and swan it up in the amazing lobby with a delicious cup of coffee - each capuccino cost 8 euros!! But it was worth it. Suzy had hot chocolate in a cup to die for. Here she is being pampered at the Four Seasons. 
Suzy being served hot chocolate at the Four Seasons in Madrid on Wednesday morning

What a lovely moment. I recorded it on video so you can see more 

When paying the bill we were asked if we were staying at the hotel. I replied I wished I were which the waitress agreed with hahahaha.

From the Four Seasons we split up again. I wanted to foray into the semi new Galería Canalejas Food Hall. I was disappointed as it isn't a food hall as such, rather a series of luxury bars. So I quickly left and made my way again to the Puerta del Sol. It is still under construction but was looking festive.
A view of the Puerta del Sol as seen on Wednesday
I joined the girls who were on the children's floor of El Corté Inglés where Oli was buying pink Wellington boots for little Juliet. By then it was getting late and we were keen to get to Majadahonda as soon as possible where Oli had booked a table for lunch for us at El Verde Olivo. So we didn't just have a trip into Madrid to do the Christmas shopping together, we also had a girly lunch. We also had peace and harmony when the girls, for once, did not quarrel. 

Once home, Oli left to pick up the kids and I went up to join Eladio who was resting after his lunch of leftovers (hahahaha). The rest of the day was quiet, apart from the semi final match between France and Morocco. It was a very symbolic match for many reasons which I am sure you don't need me to go into. Morocco played well but were not able to score and France won 2-0 and went into the final against Argentina who they will be playing today at 4 pm. I predicted from the beginning that France would win but now I am not so sure as Messi is so strong at the moment. If either team win, it will be their third World Cup. Did you know that since 1930 only 8 countries have won it? They are Brazil (5), Germany (4), Italy (4), Uruguay (2), Argentina (2), England (1) and Spain (1). That is quite a select club. I would have loved to have seen a new country added to this year's list.   Anyway, as good old British fair play dictates, may the best side win.

Thursday came. It rained again but Storm Efraín was waning finally. What a wet December it has been. We could have gone on our walk but it was food shopping day which funnily enough, as we don't get out too much, we actually quite enjoy. 

It was on Thursday too that Netflix released the three final episodes of Harry and Meghan, their own documentary, told from their side, which will bring them earnings of 1 million dollars. While I sympathise with some of the negative coverage Meghan had to undergo after her wedding, I do not sympathise with them washing their dirty linen in public for money. They harp on about privacy yet this TV series shares their private life to the public world wide. Even I, who am a sucker for news of the Royal family, am getting a bit sick of them.

We had a better viewing experience that night watching a fantastic Spanish thriller set in a psychiatric home in the 70's. It sort of reminded us of One flew over the Cuckoo's nest. If you don't know what to watch next I highly recommend God's crooked lines

Finally on Friday we managed a walk but not on the path through the woods which we knew would be very muddy. It was good to be out again in the fresh air. For the past 2 or 3 weeks I have been waking up far too early, at around 5 or 5.30 and I think that morning it had taken a toll on me. I found myself falling asleep before lunch which is most unusual but I was desperate for a nap. I was desperate for my siesta too but it was short as we had to pick up the kids that afternoon at 4 pm from school. Oli was at a Christmas lunch with colleagues from her TV programme. I couldn't believe the amount of kids, parents and cars so thank goodness there were two of us.  Instead of bringing the kids here we took them to their house where they are easier to manage as there is only one floor. We spent the time playing with them. Elliot won't let Juliet touch his toys which makes for some challenging moments. I commented to Eladio just how boisterous he is and that I supposed it is because he is a boy. We had girls who had plenty of personality but were not so boisterous. The time passed slowly and we were only relieved of our duties when Oli and Miguel returned after 6 pm. We were too tired to go out to dinner that night so had a quiet night in, like most dadys this week.

On Saturday there were lots of things planned. Julio was coming for dinner that night. You will know he is my best "boy" friend, my ex Nokia colleague and more importantly a member of The three musketeers - i.e. Fátima (RIP), him and me.  We first met at Nokia in 2000 and became fast friends and each Christmas we would have a Christmas dinner here at home and a New Year's dinner at his place. The year she died, December 5th 2019, we skipped on the tradition. In 2020 we had to skip too because of Covid and last year Julio did come but as we had that horrible squatter Felipe Turover, we did not go to his house. This year, our first Covid free Christmas, we have restored the tradition. After much debate I decided on prawn cocktail, fillet steak with red peppers and a home made strawberry and cream mille feuille. I made it in the morning and was very pleased with how it turned out. The pastry rose beautifully and out of 3 strips I was able to make 6 layers filled with cream, strawberries, strawberry jam with a strawberry icing top. This was it. 
My home made strawberry and cream mille feuille
I was really looking forward to a taste as last night I broke my diet for practically the first time since the end of September. There is actually some left over for today, thank goodness, as both my daughters begged me to leave them some. It was so successful I think I will be making it for Christmas Eve instead of trifle. That is a difficult choice as I love trifle too.

Just as I was preparing my "pink topped " mille feuille, in walked Eladio to make his breakfast. He was wearing a lovely pastel pink M&S jumper he is usually reluctant to wear but looks gorgeous in. I commented so. Then in walked Suzy who was also wearing pink which was quite a coincidence. Her top was a very old Nokia fleece which I got years and years ago but is still going strong. I'm sure any of my ex Nokia colleagues reading this will remember them and the lovely Nokia merchandising we all had. So, of course, I had to have a photo of father and daughter dressed in pink. I love it.
Father and daughter both wearing pink yesterday morning

Meanwhile, Oli was preparing the kids for a morning out with "grandma" and "booboo" - Elliot's name for his grandfather, Eladio. We took them to Centro Oeste, a manageable shopping centre where the main pull was letting them ride on the remote controlled children's cars. Elliot chose the police car (of course). It was actually Juliet who was more thrilled than either of them and didn't want to get off after a 20 minute drive around the shopping centre.
Elliot and an excited Juliet in their "police car" yesterday at Centro Oeste in Majadahonda
We adults were more interested in coffee time afterwards. Oli also had a pain au chocolat called a "napolitana" here which she had to share with both kids. They both have a sweet tooth just as I do and my father famously did. 
Coffee and pain au chocolat at Centro Oeste yesterday
We also went into the giant Carrefour there for various items. You would think this would bore the babies but both of them, especially Elliot, love shops - not so much my poor husband as you know. Oli had to get a Christmas jumper for Elliot for a school function next week. This is it. Ah, and Juliet is wearing the hat to go with it. They look lovely.

Elliot and Juliet wearing new Christmas garments
We came home to lunch on the table - what a luxury - and were joined by Miguel who had escaped from work. Eladio had to go out again. He went to a demonstration in Madrid as he is a firm believer in a semi mafia like organisation exposed by what are known as the Royuela files. He and his brother Toño are appalled by what they are finding out. I, prefer, to know as little as possible because if I also became embroiled, frankly I don't think I could live. I took him to the train station and later he came  home by taxi. 

I came back to find the house full of my grandchildren but escaped upstairs to the quiet and safety of my room and slept a little. When I woke up they had gone. I love them when they are here but I also love them when they go. It took Lucy and I a while to clear up and we had to do it quickly as we then had to prepare the dinner. Eladio was home by 7.30 and everything was ready. I wish I had taken photos of the table and the Christmas decorations with all the lights and candles lit. But we did take the usual photos of us before and after the dinner. I think the best one is the one I have chosen as this week's feature photo of the three of us wearing our crowns from some of the M&S crackers I bought for an extortionate price at British Corner Shop online. We also had some taken before we tucked in and it's thanks to Lucy who took the photos.
The before dinner photo of the three of us last night
We all loved the food but especially the fruit tart. Eladio is not into puddings as such and is not a great fan of pastry but he really complimented me when he asked for a second portion. He even suggested I use the very same menu for our next dinner with friends. That was high praise.

Later we sat in the lounge with Christmas music on, enjoying the spirit of the season. We all remarked it was our first proper post Covid Christmas and that Covid is finally behind us - what awful times indeed. Covid will live with us forever but I, at least, believe in the vaccines.

My friend left early at around 11 which is actually late for him. He loves  what is called a "French exit" but not with us - we are so close, it is not necessary.

Apart from the tart, I also broke my diet by drinking wine. We had a bottle of Rueda by Marques de Riscal between us  and I think I must have drunk at least half of it as Eladio and Julio only had one small glass each. It probably helped me sleep as I didn't wake up until 6.30 this morning which is better than 5.30.

Today we have something to look forward to and it's not the World Cup final at 16h between France and Argentina which actually doesn't interest me that much. No, we shall be going to see a Spanish magician, Jorge Blass, perform at a show called "Flipar" tonight in Madrid at 7 pm. But I also have to cater again for Oli and family for lunch today  and will have to perform the usual fish and loaves miracle to feed everyone. 

But more about that next week. Next week will be Christmas day and I love Christmas day. 

Thus I send you seasonal good wishes until next Sunday. Cheers Masha

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